ASL FLY MED is the newest division of ASL Group, operating 2 learjets, out of Cologone and Liege. A cooperation with our medical partner "Med Care Professional" guarantees the highest standards for a safe, economic and comfortable solution for patients in need of a medical transfer.
ASL FLY MED offers a wide spectrum of 24/7 services around the globe, such as medical repatriation, flying ICU's, transport of organs, ... While applying - at all times - a human approach and putting up front the demanding needs of the patient.
The Learjets OO-MED and OO-DOC are equipped with a 2-stretcher Lifeport system and 4 seats, able to transport 2 patients with doctor and nurse and a maximum of 2 extra companions. With the additional medical equipment, ASL is able to transport critical patients under full intensive care conditions. The range of the aircraft is approximately 1800 NM with a cruising speed of 430 Kts.
Recently (2022) the OO-DOC received a brand new interior offering not only the possibility for a medical configuration but also for an executive VIP-configuration.

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