Electrifly at Maastricht Airport

26/08/16 We have redesigned some sections of our website
We are happy to inform you that we have partially re-designed our website, in order to improve the online experience for all visitors!
New Features :
Online Quote Request form. We now offer our visitors the possibility to request a personalized quote, directly from the website. The quote request is sent automatically to our sales team, and they will alway do their best to respond with a personalized offer within 24 hours. For very urgent requests though, we still recommend visitors to contact our sales team by phone.
New Part-NCC services page. Since the introdution of the new EASA Part-NCC regulation on August 25 of 2016, private owners of jets and most bi-turboprop aircraft no longer can operate without a Part-NCC declaration.
Re-designed Fleet page & Range maps. Information related to the aircraft of our fleet as well as the pictures are now presented in a clearer way. Range maps for each aircraft are also much more interractive and show more cities.
Empty Legs & Aircraft Availability. We have connected our website to our internal Planning Management Software so that both can communicate in real time and provide visitors with the list of all Empty Legs flights and aircraft availability at specific locations.
+ Many other updates "behind the scene" to improve the overall aspect of our website.
These are the major update we have performed, following the feedback we received from our clients, partners and visitors. We hope that you will enjoy these new features!
If you have remarks or suggestions, feel free to contact us.
For all inquiries or requests: visit our quote request page.